Thursday, November 6, 2008

happy birthday!

three years ago today, i became a mama.  it was such an amazing day with such a gentle labor and birth to my wee little babe.  i am struggling to face the enormity of what it means that my little one has grown up into a spirited toddler.  she's so big and older and full of life.  i want to snuggle her down into the blankets with me and shut the doors to the outside.  of course, she would not thrive in that for very long.  so, i meet the world with her sometimes outside our home at a park or the library and sometimes just in the kitchen baking muffins or feeding the birds in the front yard.  her intensity often rocks my body.  i look forward to how it will serve her well and try to stay peaceful in the present.  

she is my favorite little three year old, of course.  she brings joy and wonder and spark.  she is thoughtful, compassionate, strong, brilliant, intuitive, warm, funny and confident.  she meets her fears, tries to express her needs clearly and work to solve problems.  

she's just run downstairs to find me, yelling, "i want some pie!"  although we haven't had pie in ages!  naked saying, "i already got dressed!"  when i ask her to put her pajamas on and meet me in the bed for stories and one last little babe moment before we move into full blown three year old life!

love.  pure love.  

ps.  thank you for making me a mama.


Lenz Family said...

Hi Stacy,

It's been a while since I've read your blog and as always, I truly enjoy reading your updates. Your girls are beautiful! Happy Birthday to your 3 y/o. We share the same birthday. ;)


gunter fam said...

thanks, janet! happy birthday to you, too!