Thursday, January 3, 2008

A New Year, A Golden Year

So many fun things on the calender already! A just celebrated his 31st birthday on the 31st thus beginning his "golden year". In less than a month, I will join him on my own "golden year" journey as I turn 30 on the 30th. Only in the past few years did i learn about this term. The date of your birthday is supposed to be the best year ever. For E, that means when she turns 6 years old, she will have a rocking good year. A and I have the double pleasure of sharing our "golden year" as a couple! Wonder how rare that it is?

We'll welcome a newborn babe this year, as well. Who, if born on the EDD we picked, will be born on Feb 29th, since we have a leap year on the calender in 2008. People very, very rarely give birth on those guesstimated dates. And, if E's early entrance into the world is any indicator of how long my pregnancies last, we'll welcome this babe a bit sooner than the leap year. We like having a EDW, for the entire week that we would guess a babe may like to be born. So, for us that is Feb 29th through March 5th with the idea that this babe will probably come in Feb sometime. Both E and her boyfriend have told me the babe will be male, weigh 7 pounds and be born on a Saturday in February. They told me this at different times and have said it repeatedly. Recently, E did change her firm declaration that we're having a male babe to "it's a boy girl" when i ask her. She also has become a "boy girl" instead of the "girl" she used to be. Way to keep your options open, little one! What a wonderful surprise it will be to discover our child's sex the day it's born. And, how great to avoid for just a bit longer all that gender stereotyping it will have to suffer through in life.

We have lots of fun goals this year! We look forward to sharing them with you all!

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