today, i am on the mend, for real. feeling a lot better. i can understand a little bit why people who recover from cancer and the like run marathons; they are so grateful to not be sick and to be able to use their bodies! not that i had cancer or will ever run anywhere.
this week is already full and busy before it's even begun. we have some important top secret applications to fill out and mail. a is almost done with our tax prep. tues night we have a church meeting about some of the changes our church is going to have this year. wed night we have a time with our special friends. thurdsay night, i have a doula meeting at the hospital. friday night, we finally get to hang with our long lost friends and i will try on dresses. saturday, the precious ones will get married and we will muster up the strength to party the proper way, hopefully!
during the days, i need to get a TB test done at the hospital and secure a parking pass somehow. i need to read ten books. i need to do some mock interviews (aka the preview) with c. we need to sell our silver VW jetta with heated seats and a 6 disk cd player. anyone want to buy it?
we need to get together with that wonderful woman we ran into at whole foods while buying a cake.
huggy lovey babe needs some special attention after her parents were zombies, esp. her mother! last week.
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