did i tell you all about the slide? baby e went down the slides at the mall play area all by herself. i helped her climb up and held her hand going down, at first. but a few minutes into it and she was going up and down by herself. she only needed a little bit of redirecting to know not to climb back up the slide once she had gone down it.
there were two other slides and she conquered those, as well! she really enjoyed her sliding times! we went back there after a two year old birthday party and she liked the slides all the more. i made a video of it but do not know how to post it here.

she has returned to nursing like a four week old babe. all day and all night, even when she eats lots of other food and drinks water. my breastfeeding expert friend told me that babes sometimes increase nursing needs around every half year mark. so, if ezra was 18 months old, i may understand the reason. she replied, "well, ez is just advanced, of course!"
we are pursuing some dreams of travel and possibly living abroad for a period. a's contract job will be over come june. there is a super neat program that we have been hoping to do that begins on july 1st. otherwise, we would like to volunteer abroad for at least a few months somewhere in either southeast asia or perhaps eastern africa. we have friends who do maternal health care work in those areas in various countries. it would be nice to already have something established that we could plug right into. we will keep you posted on that!
i am off to try on dresses for the wedding tomorrow. i am trying to save some money for the travel adventure so my friend from social work is lending me one.
thanks for reading! shoot us a comment if you have time!
love the slide picture! Can't wait to hear what you decide to do as far as travel/living abroad. Could Ez be getting some teeth...that usually spurs an increase in nursing.
yes, she is getting her molars! a top one popped through over a week ago and the bottom ones are bulging her lil gums right now!
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