Wednesday, January 3, 2007


If you are reading this today, say a little prayer for the female half of the gun tah clan. Baby has a runny, snotty nose and is not happy about it. She's super clingy on me and nursing lots and lots for long amounts of time. She even walked over to the sling and pointed at it today. I asked if she wanted to be in it and she surely did. She's never done that before, if i recall correctly. While I want to nurse her and hug her and wipe her nose and give her extra attention, it's taking a lot out of me right now b/c i am feeling a worn out.
Yesterday, when she woke with a snotty nose, I woke with major hip pain. I am not sure what it is from but it's uncomfortable to sit, walk or lie down in certain positions. I don't usually have aches and pains that keep me down so it's not an easy adjustment for me. I have not had a half way decent night's sleep all week starting with a new year's eve up till 3:30am. As a co-sleeping family, we adjusted well to sharing the bed with a babe. It actually makes night time parenting easier for us both. So, for me to complain about not getting sleep means i am for real not getting a good rest. Thanks for the prayers!

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