ee cummings once said, "to be nobody but yourself- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else- means to fight the anrdest battle which any human being can fight."
this blog is really supposed to be about how baby e is doing, so here is what she is up to these days.
her favorite word to say over and over is "ball" and her favorite sign to give is a pat to the head which could mean either "lettuce" or "hat". she regularly says: ball, mom, dad, down, this, bye, no, woahhhhh, and mmmmmhhh mmmmmhhh mhhhhhh. we have heard her say on rare occasion a few other words like: sherp, book, dog, bounce, up, boots and ba doop ba doop ba doo.
she regularly signs: milk (for breastfeeding), dad, dog, hat/lettuce, water, eat, color, red, hug/love, signing, want, train, excited, thank you, socks, shoes, boots, and up. occasionally, she has given us the sign for: orange, blue, and play.
she shales her head no a lot and sometimes yes. she responds to many of our signs to her even ones she does not sign back to us. she can identify her body parts such as: head, mouth, nose, belly and milk (aka breasts), feet and eyes. she gives us kisses and hugs pretty often. last week when i was really sick, she rubbed and patted my back. she likes to give us high fives, especially before we fall to sleep together. she thinks it's pretty funny. nothing like a laugh baby giving you high fives to close the day. it's much better than the nights when she screams, wrestles and crawls off the bed over and over!
seneca said, "no man can live happily who regards himself alone, who turns everything to his own advantage. Thou must live for another if thou wishest to live for thyself." here are the casa de sol, we are each struggling to live for each other. it's challenging and like any challenging it si rewarding!