Wednesday, December 6, 2006

parenting support

Today, we went to a parenting support group in the morning. The group meets once a month in our neck of the woods. Before you think, "why is she going to a parenting support group without her hubby?" let me assure you that hubby goes to a parenting support group with me in another town that meets in the evenings. we have been going to it since we were preggo over a year ago. we cherish our friends and fellow parents from that evening meeting. this one is closer to where we live now but it only meets in the mornings. so, i go to it and take baby love along. then, we go to that evening one as a family once a month still.

we talked about how to handle criticism from perhaps well-meaning family members around the holidays. it was good for me to talk with them and get some feedback. our parents are pretty supportive of our parenting style. we do plan to be around some family who we only see about twice a year or so. i can imagine they will wonder why i am still breastfeeding baby love and perhaps ask me. i want to handle their inquiries well. i am such a smart ass and so researchy that i could either offend or overload them with info. i want to respond appropriately.

after that, we went to lunch with our dear buddies. then, we did a little group grocery shopping. she is a wonderful mom who i look to for advice and respect a lot. she has helped me through struggles with my faith, my church, my family, andy changing jobs, and just general parenting stuff. we're not super huggy best friends but i really appreciate her a lot. we both are into academia research field survey stuff but she is way further along then me in her pursuits. nonetheless, she lets me tag along to lunches and play groups.

i ran into a fellow hospital volunteer doula while shopping. i just got an e-mail from her yesterday and had not responded yet. she was gracious and we may see each other on sunday for homebirth meetup fun. she shared her great news that she is six weeks preggo. congrats!!!

baby love ate lots of food but no mama's milk all day. she got a little then progressed quickly to a lot fussy at the end of our shopping so i changed her diaper and gave her some mama's milk. then she fell asleep in the car on our way home. i put the groceries away and poured a sip of eco-friendly wine. now puppy love and i are sitting in the hatchback of the car snuggling while she sleeps in her car seat. she awakes!

This afternoon, we read books, walked outside, she ate a snack of mashed sweet potatoes and we read some more books. While reading, "i love my puppy" we came across a blue ball that the puppy likes to fetch. She left my side and to my surprise, she returned with her puppy's blue ball. clearly, she is brilliant! Then she played with her toys while i read a book to myself. We cleaned out her closet. she watched "signing times" while i are a snack. we put parts on the potato head family then cleaned up all the fun stuff covering the living room floor.

1 comment:

Ana, Emery, and Ollie's Mama said...

woohooo, I found you! Your parenting group sounds awesome, I will have to look into that and see if there are any in my neck of the woods. The evening one with hubby sounds perfect. Look forward to reading more!