Last Friday we skipped playgroup b/c neither babe nor mama were feeling very well. Sadly, we also missed out on our nomadic rock star mama friend and her 23 month old babe. We did eventually muster up the strength to do some grocery and gift shopping. Admittedly, I was fueled by starsucks soy latte.
Friday was the birthday of a dear friend so we had dinner to celebrate with many of her good friends. We got to meet her sister, finally! We especially enjoyed our company at the end of the table. E was totally bored. The restaurant is not exactly the most toddler friendly place. Although, we did have a brunch for her their after her baby dedication at church. Irony. The chef's name is Thor and I got to thank him on Friday for putting together a vegetarian fest back in the Spring for e's brunch. The manager (perhaps?) did spend some time trying to entertain e; he has two young children of his own. There is a nice little secluded area in the back with chairs and sofas. E and i snuck away to this area and she got some mama's milk. We did not get to attend the after party dance b/c we had to attend another birthday party in town!
This one was a surprise party but we showed up late enough to not ruin the surprise part. This birthday woman turned 30 and is well on her way to making one of the coolest babes around. The babe is on the inside right now and growing strong, finally letting mama eat some food and keep it down. Yay for that!!! Her hubby planned out the evening so well. He actually sent out a map with words on it saying "park on this street" and "don't park on this street". Pretty impressive! He also gifted her with a piano in hopes of passing on music appreciation beyond his own musical genetics, perhaps. The highlight of the night for me was meeting birthday woman's dad. He is pretty much incredible and I am not the only person I know who looks up to him. He was modest, thoughtful and kind. I asked him to come to our church and teach and he said, "Sure, just send me an e-mail. My address is...". Freakin wow. Birthday girl's mom is pretty impressive, too. She gave birth to her babe breech and is a natural living woman. Are you as impressed as I am? Yes, their daughter is equally as could you not be with parents like that? E enjoyed chasing Margot the dog around and being a little toddler. She drake water out of a cup and managed to spill most of it on her peace sign dress.
Saturday morning I was still feeling sick and had practically lost my voice the night before. So, I rested and read most of the day. Even though I fought it for a while, I took a nap in the early evening. We went to the holiday party of our friends/neighbor's. We got to meet so much of their families; families that we have heard a lot about over the years. It was such a joy. Towards the end of the evening, someone brought out the hard stuff. I have not had a drop of liquor in almost two years due to pregnancy and breastfeeding a babe. Although i did not intend to partake, i was strong armed into it and encouraged by someone's mother (of five kids, the oldest being my age) that it was perfectly okay, my daughter would even benefit from it. Who can argue with a mother of five practically adult children? Not me, you see. I pretty much had to do it at that point.
On Sunday, I made fresh squeezed orange juice, coffee and vegan sausage burritos. Yummy in the tummy! E ate some vegan sausage and tortilla with guacamole. Since we slept in, we went to the second service at church. We heard a talk about the magnicant (sp?) where an angel appears to tell mary she has been chosen to give birth, elizabeth and mary talk when mary arrives and stay for three months. I saw a movie about this recently so it was fresh in my head visually.
After talking to some fellow mama friends and changing our babes cloth diapers together to the tune of ryan adams (dedicated to e by building boy j), we drove home to wait for my mother-in-law (mil). She comes to visit rather often on the weekends. Since e was sleeping and we still had not eaten, we proposed that mil hang with e while mama and dada went out for lunch and some grocery shopping. MIL is really excited about us letting her watch e alone and wants us to get out more by ourselves. Sunday afternoon was the second time since e's birth that we have gone out without e. We don't mind her coming with us at all; we actually prefer it. It has not been a burden or a struggle to include her in our family life. Building a strong attachment by avoiding frequent and prolonged separation has been very important to us, as parents. Having said all of that, we barely knew what to do without baby e around. We started by sampling wine at the grocery store then buying and uncorking a whole bottle of it. No, we didn't drink the whole bottle. B/c we share our food and try to be good examples, we are pretty aware of what foods are on our plate. Therefore, I totally bought a vegan chocolate chip cookie and a vegan peanut butter cookie! Does it get any better than wine and cookies in the middle of the day?
Baby e survived well. We met up with a's work partners for a beer in downtown. Baby e wandered around in the little couch area that we barricaded for her safety and our sanity. She ate vegetarian chili, hummus and pita. Someone there gifted her with a fancy pocket size etch-a-sketch that resembles a pda. I wrapped it in tissue paper and put it in her stocking when we got home. Harr haaa.
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