Today, we started with some sweet snuggles in the morning sunshine. We prayed a little for our day to be full of compassion and patience and love. Still in pajamas, we came downstairs to the tune of automatic coffee brewing set up by big pop-ah. We readied our day for mamas and their babes to come on over to our casa de sol. We host LLL Leader Applicants. Because the LLL is a super secret society (though not of the summer session a la Seperate Peace), I cannot reveal the identities of the women who attend said meeting. Nonetheless, we have great talks during and perhaps, more so, after the meeting. We are coffee driven and muffin charged to help other women enjoy breastfeeding. We will overcome, you just wait and see.
Baby love took a nap while I typed up some application info for the LLL gurus. I have about ten questions to answer and was able to complete three of them during her nap. After she awoke, we played with toys in the living room and read a book or four. She walked to the door and sat in front of it pointing and commanding something important. So, I got jacketed and put on hats, then we went outside. She cried upon our re-entry to the house but was quickly appeased by some mama's milk, which is both her fave beverage and comfort food all wrapped up in one. Kinda like a good pinot is for me.
She hung out with dad during dinner prep then i went upstairs to read for a little while. Who knows what kind of craziness she and dad got into. I can only imagine. I did anoint her head with burt's apricot oil to rid ye ole lingering cradle cap, as they call it. who knew it could cause all kinds of nasty hurts to little babes if not removed? I quit my attempts to dislodge it when the scrubbing and scratching produced blood. Hopefully the oil will be a less invasive remedy. I think that I am supposed to brush it off in the morning...uhm, before or after a bath though? Gee, let's hope our playgroup friends know! We'll ask them in the morning before the bath takes place.
One fun thing is her new "where is it?" gesture that occurs when we hide an object. She somehow knows to lift her precious baby hands up when we ask. When the object is produced, she smiles and laughs. It melts my heart and made me cry today. If this is what we have to look forward to as her personality shines through, there may be too much joy in my life for me to stand.
I will post some pics from our fun times.
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