The Bear woke up happy and laughing, calling my name. I went in to snuggle her goodness and we laughed lots. I noticed that her body felt a bit warm. Sometimes kids have fevers, no biggie. But I mention it to her and to hubs as she kisses him good bye.
Neither of my kids has ever spiked a fever very high though. I rarely even take their temperature with the thermometer b/c I can tell by touching them it's not so high and they bounce back easily. I give them Temp Assure to help it come down and we take it easy. So, when B crawled back in bed instead of hopping around, I noticed but just kept snuggling her. She drank lots of water & asked for a blanket. This kid empathetically throws off blankets even when I try to sneak one on her in the middle of the night. She actually fell back asleep, which never happens. She is an early bird and likes to get going. She will even get herself dressed, do her business and come on downstairs for breakfast without asking for any help. She's been like this for as long as I can recall. She likes to get into her play in the early morn, too. Not today. She slept all morning and asked for a blanket all day. Hmmmn...
E and I took her some raspberries and coconut milk yogurt. She ate half the carton off of her sister's fingers but was almost back to sleep before starting the yogurt. Another nap? Wow. I tried to take her temp twice but she resisted so much. I tried both her mouth and her armpit. It got almost to 103, at which point I put her in a cold bath. She lasted maybe 4 minutes before saying it was tool cold and refusing to stay in it. I called hubs for a reality check, which he graciously reminded me all the trust things I do know and believe. I gave her ice water and rubbed an wrapped ice pack on her while E told her stories. The bear slept all day! She usually pushes through colds or sickness and plays away. E is the one who shuts down for a day or two and gets it over with. B will linger on for twice as long b/c she doesn't stop to rest in the same way. Not today. She totally rested, slept, ate and drank but barely left the bed. Her temp went down to 101.6 right before dinner and she was in good spirits, not lethargic anymore but playing and laughing with us.
At dinner, I had to run an errand to the hospital that I was honored to run (EBM to a babe in need) so missed out on some of B. She did eat some dinner and then went back to sleep. Hubs said her temp was 102. She woke up later and I fed her the rest of her dinner. The wise woman herbal (aka my dear friend, Erin) gave me the reminder on garlic+coconut oil+olive oil smashed together for the bottoms of the feet. Calling it Pirate Medicine, the Bear complied with letting me wrap it onto the bottom of her feet and cover with wool socks. Hubby's friend came over for drinks and told me it's worked for their kids, too. So, on one hand, I am embarrassed that this is our first time using it. But I realize that is b/c this is our first major fever for either kid in almost six years. So, yeah, scratch that, I am uber thankful.
As hubs was about to leave work, he calls to say he is bleeding a bunch from cutting his finger/hand. OMG. Thankfully, he finds a first aid kit, gets fixed up, has a snack and brings Chinese food home that we devour. Ultimately, I drove to the ER after dinner to drop that EBM off. As I was heading out of our house, my very selfish thought was, I am so glad I am the one going to the ER by myself and not for myself or anyone else in my family. Thankfully, we are all okay. And, this will be a day of continued wellness for whatever these two are working out with their bodies and the family of that precious babe.
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