Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Camera Sadness

Our camera is broken.  It won't even turn on.  It hasn't worked since we got here.  At first, we thought it was just the battery wasn't charged or wasn't keeping a charge any longer.  But, then we got a brand new battery and it still wouldn't turn on.  Know what this means, don't you?  A whole incredible week in Bali with no pictures. 

That's right.  That's sad.  No pictures of how awesome our gardens have grown since we've been gone.  No pictures of the day at the beach.  No pictures of the walks around the village or to the river.  No pictures of B and her BFF playing soccer.  No pics of E in the temple brushing her own hair.  No pics of E and her BFF drawing on the chalkboard for hours.  No pics of Ibu Duah's birthday party dinner. 

We're looking for a new camera and our friends offered to take our camera 45 minutes away to the big city to get it fixed.  Ugh.  Until then, it's all words and memories.  No visual images saved on my computer or to share here with you. 


Mako Shark said...

So sad! We love the pictures. Maybe use the time to practice recording memories in a different way?

Melinie said...

:( I don't know how long it takes to get mail but I can send one of ours if it would help?

gunter fam said...

mamagoose- i am having to do just that and it's so challenging. thank you for the encouragement. mel- you are too kind, my love. thank you but we are figuring something out here. love to you and your beans.