b & i were outside under the covered area beside our back deck. i was talking to a mom about breastfeeding her 2 week old. b crawled up the stair to the deck and was crawling around in the drizzling rain. i kept thinking, does she really want to be in the wet like that? she as crawling toward me and i see her hand pick up something. i walk over to her and realize that it's a little frog. so, i tell the person on the phone and try to hang up with her so i can bring bux inside. i have to pry her hands off the frog and realize once she lets go that it is no longer alive. so sad. i am not sure if she did it or if it was already like that. all i want to do is scrub her little hands. and, i am soooooooo thankful she didn't put it in her mouth...like she does to everything else! i get her inside and wash her hands really well then changed her entire outfit top to bottom as she had hit her hands on her baby legs, too and they were damp from crawling. i am so grossed out by the whole thing. ugh. feels better to tell someone though. thank you. hope it wasn't too disturbing.
in honor of that, maybe we can win the tree frog costume pictured above. isn't it cute?
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