sunday morning, i got a phone call from a dear friend in labor! i took a shower then headed out to meet her. i ate a bowl of oatmeal and a larabar that morning. this is the first birth i have ben to since the birth of my youngest babe a few months ago. it really was an honor to support my friend after the birth of her son. she is so committed to breastfeeding this babe, it was awesome to see her love on her sweet newborn. and, yeah, i will go ahead and admit that i got a little achy for that sweet newborn love that happens immediately postpartum. it's so rich and pure. god save me. i went home to see my girls had aged in the short day i spent away from them. the bear was basically filling out college applications and e was planning her wedding. "be a baby!" i screamed at them each.
later that day, i ate some graham crackers from their pantry and a mini ginger ale.
when i got home late that
afternoon, i ate garlic mashed potatoes with kale, fried tofu, yellow squash, kale and onions that hubs and glammy made. in the
evening, we met our co-family for dinner at a mexican restaurant. e had part of a burrito and some chips and salsa. i had a potato burrito, bean enchilada with lettuce and tomato and part of e's burrito. we went to locopops with them after dinner but were out of cash. so, daddyrealtorbucks bought pops all around! i had a few licks of e's cherry lime and a bite of bash's apple cinamon.
MONDAYmorning: i had a peach from the farmer's market and something else but i cannot recall what. i ate some sun golds from the garden, too.
in the
afternoon, we went for a swim with some friends at their neighborhood pool. before hitting the pool, e ate a bowl of rigattoni noodles with nutritional yeast (8 grams of protien in just 2 TBSP and lots of B vitamins), grapes, a dried apricot or two, and some PB&J. I had half a PB&J, pretzels, another local peach, popcorn and dried apricots.
later on at the pool, e had popcorn and we each had 3 graham crackers. Then, when we got home, we ate noodles and sauce that hubs had made for his lunch. so yummy.
that night, we went to the local "kids eat free" place for
dinner. i love the ritual of meeting our freinds there but am so sick of their food. e doesn't even eat it anymore. she takes like 3 bites of her lil burrito and the rest is wasted unless one of us eats it. she used to like black beans, rice, olives and gaucamole on it. i had two soft shell tacos, one w. pinto beans and one with black beans plus lettuce, salsa, tomaotes, verde sauce and some chips. i didn't feel comfortable with her drinking root beer instead of eating dinner so that was a big of a parenting challenge during dinner. hubs took her outside to play once she was surely not going to eat. and, the other hubs took the bear out to play with his kids. this left my BFF and i to talk with her youngest at the table.
when we got home, e ate pasta, sauce and nutritonal yeast. she ate part of a banana, too. later
that night, i ate a waffle from the toaster and some little cookies.