so many mosquitoes that i hid in the tent.

here, i have a visitor.

you do not want to know what kind of restaurant nancy made us eat at.

eating sand crackers

thank you for coming today to see y performance.

dory and glenn joined us for a day on the beach! so good to see them! here's dory chillin with e in the sand and shells, balancing her beer oh so well!

the first thing she said upon waking was, "i want to see a crab today." request granted, my dear one!

since she's a bit young for even the non-toxic sunscreen, we kept her in the shade and covered up this day at the beach. the hat is from ubud, bali when she was inside of me!

hottie mchotness.

we met up with my ole high school friend at the restaurant where his girlfriend works which just happened to be a short walk from the beach.

asleep in his arms, as usual.

that ole friend now makes surfboards and cool clothes like the shirt he is wearing. http://www.rideability.com/

how is this much stuff necessary for one week of camping at the beach?

so happy in the hat from granny jenny that finally fits.

shark tank dive.

checking out the fish.

how tall are they?

digging for shark teeth...and gold...and fire...and truth. she's a curious one.

"i'm taking the view"

at the aquarium.
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