You know that you are a busy person when it takes 3 different posts to get up all the beach pictures from a trip one took two weeks ago! We went out of town separately last week and then we went to a wedding out of town together last weekend. I want to post some great pictures from those times of our life, as well. One day I will journal all that we have been enjoying, again but for now...see my life in pictures.

ocracoke beachy

thanks for the buckets, granny jenny!

the boys digging deep

making pancakes, she told us.

"i made a pancake for you, dada."

after you live at the beach for a while, you learn to make these cool trees, like harp's dad showed him.

big ole frisbee, lots o' fun.

side shot. see the truck in the back? still allowed to drive on parts of the OBX, at certain times.

she wasn't super comfortable with the sand shifting beneath her feet.

she did enjoy sitting in the chair though!

we love each other and the obx and each other at the obx!!!

my fave rising 3rd grader...we like to eat snacks. check my rad "gum smile".

so much fun covering her up with sand!

a wee little family. he nurses their love child b/c he is a co-parent like that.

i love this kid's enthusiasm for watermelon...and life!

mama and babe.

two sweet lovers at sunset

two more sweet lovers at sunset.

a bunch of fabulous people holding hands!

so much love it just radiates out of their heads.

a great night walking the streets of ocracoke with dear friends.
PS. I think there is going to be a Part 4, as i am sleeeeeeeepppyyyy now but there are more pictures in my library to share!
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