e-banana and later a rice cake
me- bowl of blackberries
we shared fruit salad (local blueberries, blackberries and peaches, non-local bananas), flaxseed wheat crackers with mock chicken salad. we each had a chocolate chip cupcake.
kids eat free at moe's on mondays so she had a black bean, tofu, gauc, and black olive burrito. i had two black bean soft tacos with tofu, salsa and lettuce, a few chips and salsa and lemonade.
later, she had granola with rice milk and veggie soup with elbow macaroni and i had granola, too.
Monday, June 30, 2008
sunday foods
we each had a sweet potato muffin left over from the night before. they have big walnuts on top that are soo yummy!
i had a salad with cold soba noodles, asparagus, cucumbers, sun dried tomatoes and lettuce in a basil lime dressing.
e had angel hair pasta with tomato sauce and later a rice cake.
we shared a locopop popsicle.
i had a mock chicken salad sandwhich with mustard.
ez had some ravioli with pine nuts and javanese tofu plus another locopop popsicle.
we each had a sweet potato muffin left over from the night before. they have big walnuts on top that are soo yummy!
i had a salad with cold soba noodles, asparagus, cucumbers, sun dried tomatoes and lettuce in a basil lime dressing.
e had angel hair pasta with tomato sauce and later a rice cake.
we shared a locopop popsicle.
i had a mock chicken salad sandwhich with mustard.
ez had some ravioli with pine nuts and javanese tofu plus another locopop popsicle.
saturday morning started with a trip to the farmer's market. we love eating locally but don't do it nearly enough. mainly b/c we eat out a lot. when we are home, making meals, it's easier to eat locally grown foods. at teh farmer's market, we had teh surprise of running into two old friends from college days up in the 'burg! the mama had her babe in an ergo which first caught my eye! then, hubs was grabbin' the dude in joy and shock! as we talked, we realized that she and i took similar career paths from working with people experiencing homelessness to being a doula! she is now a post=partum nurse at UNC hospital where i plan to be sometime in the next two weeks for my doula client. and, he seems to do technology stuff like my hubs. small world. we look forward to seeing them, again and hearing how they got together as we don't remember them dating in college.
e and i -cinnamon raisin bagel
dolly's handmade chocolate and blackberries at the farmer's market. my chocolate choice was orange with violets! hubby had roasted sweet corn and chipotle.
hubs made super yummy potato salad with lots of local potatoes, chives from our garden and yumy spices. a friend handpicked us some blueberries from a farm near her house. e had a rice cake, too.
we hosted the homebirth meetup for our area on saturday afternoon. it was a "red tent" sort of event where we all shared birth stories. from those planning a first homebirth to those with 5 children, it was an intersting time of sharing and learning. after that, some friends stayed with us for a night at the movies. we only wished we could see them more often! there are outdoor movies every weekend for only $3 a person in the courtyard of a planned neighborhood with lots of restaurants and a co-op grocery store to grab dinner. the kids played around, then e and the bear both fell asleep. i ran into an old friend from college (this time, the college here in state!) that did social work. she's getting her MSW from UNC, which explains why i thought i saw her another time in the area. it was really great to catch up with her a bit and i hope we get to run into each other more often around town.
i had veggies and fried rice with spicy sauce, chocolate cake and some lemonade.
e had a spring roll, mushrooms, lil baby corn cobs, and white rice. later she had half a sweet potato muffin with walnuts in it and a rice cake.
e and i -cinnamon raisin bagel
dolly's handmade chocolate and blackberries at the farmer's market. my chocolate choice was orange with violets! hubby had roasted sweet corn and chipotle.
hubs made super yummy potato salad with lots of local potatoes, chives from our garden and yumy spices. a friend handpicked us some blueberries from a farm near her house. e had a rice cake, too.
we hosted the homebirth meetup for our area on saturday afternoon. it was a "red tent" sort of event where we all shared birth stories. from those planning a first homebirth to those with 5 children, it was an intersting time of sharing and learning. after that, some friends stayed with us for a night at the movies. we only wished we could see them more often! there are outdoor movies every weekend for only $3 a person in the courtyard of a planned neighborhood with lots of restaurants and a co-op grocery store to grab dinner. the kids played around, then e and the bear both fell asleep. i ran into an old friend from college (this time, the college here in state!) that did social work. she's getting her MSW from UNC, which explains why i thought i saw her another time in the area. it was really great to catch up with her a bit and i hope we get to run into each other more often around town.
i had veggies and fried rice with spicy sauce, chocolate cake and some lemonade.
e had a spring roll, mushrooms, lil baby corn cobs, and white rice. later she had half a sweet potato muffin with walnuts in it and a rice cake.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Saturday Food
First, I would like to welcome Baby Jude Lieb into our world! Another homebirthed babe is with us now and we are so thankful. He was almost 10 pounds at birth yesterday afternoon. Way to go, jess!
E and i split a cinnamon raisin bagel
hubs had a soy latte
at the farmer's market, we all shared some dark chocolate with orange made by dolly and john, and blackberries.
E and i split a cinnamon raisin bagel
hubs had a soy latte
at the farmer's market, we all shared some dark chocolate with orange made by dolly and john, and blackberries.
friday food
andy made organic oatmeal (from the bulk bin) with earth balance (aka vegan butter), organic agave, pinch of brown sugar, organic whole raw walnuts (also from the bulk bin), and vanilla hemp milk.
hummus, falafel, tabbouleh (sp?), french fries, stuffed grape leaves, foul (which are cold fava beans and garlic), tahini dressing, pita bread. lemonade.
we shared hazlenut soy ice cream and chocolate sorbet
e had raspberry sorbet
we split soft pretzels dipped in mustard and pizza sauce
I had a tempe, green peppers, onions, pineapples on whole wheat sub
e ate my mushrooms and a slice of veggie pizza, all the olives and mushrooms from the rest of the pizza. Unca Bob shared some plum, dried pineapple, cashews and sunflower seeds, dates, papaya and mango slices with her. We guzzled gallons of water today as it was h.o.t.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
some worry and the food blog
Recently, I have been so sleepy! In the past week, e fell down one step and hit her mouth on the floor resulting in a big busted up bottom lip and bloody upper gums. Her upper gums were caked with dark blood and i worried all night that she would lose her two front teeth. She saw two nurses and they told us just to keep an eye on it but not to worry about losing the teeth. Then, she had a low-grade fever of about 100 on Saturday or Sunday; I cannot remember which day. On Saturday, I was ill with an upset stomach and tried to rest between bathroom trip. Lovely. Then, on Monday (4 month birthday of babe love), after a hearty lunch, e was sitting on a sofa when she yelled out for me. She told me that the "place was spinning. make it stop. i don't like it." i held her close in my lap and she was immediately better. it passed really quickly with no other symptoms. we called the pediatrician anyway and they gave us a list of things to ask her about and look for over the next few days. they told us we could come in but it wasn't too big of a deal for kids to get dizzy every once in a while and since there were no other symptoms, not to worry at this point. i won't bore you with all of the details of what they said. yesterday in the late afternoon, after not really eating much, e told us her tummy was hurting and began to have an evening of "the runs". poor babe. i wanted to take her to the ped today but hubs thought she was doing fine. she did have a great day. we may take her in tomorrow though, still!
those things have contributed to an unsettled mama. doula client may go into labor soon! whenever i am awaiting an impending labor it feels like christmas eve; i am so excited to get the phone call that i have a hard time resting. but, i know resting is EXACTLY the one thing i need to do so i can be alert and helpful for my client. After this post, I will be trying to fall asleep. wish me success.
Let's start with yesterday's foods, keepig in mind e had an upset stomach so barely ate much.
we each had a bowl of organic apple cinnamon o's, 365 brand with vanilla hemp milk.
almonds in the carseat
some PBJ at the pool, smooshed fruit, blueberries by the handful, few cashews
ez-two bites veggie fried rice
me-mock chicken salad sandwhich and blueberries
both-watermelon & strawberries
me-chocolate chip cookie
mock chicken salad on rosemary sourdough bread with mustard and tomato
all natural root beer
tortilla chips
ez- beans and noodle soup, raspberry soy yogurt, part of an apple
Today's Foods
each had cinnamon o's cereal with rice milk
ez-big bowl of almonds, cashews and raisins, half an apple
me-fries and a lemonade
later in the afternoon:
me- 2 pinto bean enchiladas w. lettuce and tomato, rice
ez- half a pinto bean burrito, some rice
ez- rest of that burrito and rice, tortilla chips, raspberry soy yogurt
me- a granola bar
*Hubs is sitting here with me and listing foods the we ate which i forgot about. like, he made us an awesome fruit and nut smoothie on tuesday and i don't think that i added it to the food blog. sorry folks!
those things have contributed to an unsettled mama. doula client may go into labor soon! whenever i am awaiting an impending labor it feels like christmas eve; i am so excited to get the phone call that i have a hard time resting. but, i know resting is EXACTLY the one thing i need to do so i can be alert and helpful for my client. After this post, I will be trying to fall asleep. wish me success.
Let's start with yesterday's foods, keepig in mind e had an upset stomach so barely ate much.
we each had a bowl of organic apple cinnamon o's, 365 brand with vanilla hemp milk.
almonds in the carseat
some PBJ at the pool, smooshed fruit, blueberries by the handful, few cashews
ez-two bites veggie fried rice
me-mock chicken salad sandwhich and blueberries
both-watermelon & strawberries
me-chocolate chip cookie
mock chicken salad on rosemary sourdough bread with mustard and tomato
all natural root beer
tortilla chips
ez- beans and noodle soup, raspberry soy yogurt, part of an apple
Today's Foods
each had cinnamon o's cereal with rice milk
ez-big bowl of almonds, cashews and raisins, half an apple
me-fries and a lemonade
later in the afternoon:
me- 2 pinto bean enchiladas w. lettuce and tomato, rice
ez- half a pinto bean burrito, some rice
ez- rest of that burrito and rice, tortilla chips, raspberry soy yogurt
me- a granola bar
*Hubs is sitting here with me and listing foods the we ate which i forgot about. like, he made us an awesome fruit and nut smoothie on tuesday and i don't think that i added it to the food blog. sorry folks!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Denise Weds Rob
more pictures of their wedding will be up tomorrow...almost out of battery life on ye ole mactop. but i want to do my food log for you all and mention one news story about cribs.
hubs made tofu scramble which to some may resemble "scrambled chicken eggs". it was full of tofu, onions, cumin, curriander, mushrooms, tomatoes and maybe yellow curry? then he fried up some of the leftover sausage and added that to the mix. we ate it out of bowls today but it's super yummy with salsa and lettuce in a burrito!
almonds in the car and lots of water today! it was way hot!
lunch at oru fave thai place was cashew and pineapple tofu with peppers, water chestnuts, onions and rice after a salad with ginger and peanut dressings. e split pad thai (minus all the animal stuff, obviously) with tofu and rice plus a spring roll with her best friend.
couple of chocolate chip cookies for me, one half of one for e. more cashews for her in the car and while playing with her BFF.
an apple for me and half of one for e with probably a gallon of water!
oh, and one sun godl tomato from the garden popped into my mouth. yummiest.
the leftover noodles, sauce and sausage from last night.
later a granole bar split between e and i.
another gallon of water.
One of the Many Reasons why i am glad to share sleep with my babes.
Monday, June 23, 2008
chewing on tree bark
did i ever tell you all about how my mom likes to joke about me being vegan? there are certain people in her life that tease her about having a kid that only eats "bark". yeah, as someone who spends so much time hugging trees, it's just more efficient to eat the bark while i am there. i thought about keeping a food journal about what we eat in a week to share with her friends. so, i thought that i would start that journal here on my blog. as readers of my blog, you all know i can be horribly inconsistent about posting on a regular basis. so, whenever i do get a chance to post, i will try to give you an idea of what we ate that day.
the lil babe is still taking in mama's milk exclusively. i will let you all know when that changes but probably not for another month or so. we'll see!
e is a finicky toddler. sometimes she's so busy that we have to really help her eat and other times, i am surprised to see her finish a dish of food on her own. it's more like lots of small snacks or one meal that is eaten over the course of two mealtimes for us adults. she has always had a low body weight but been comfortable with eating food.
Today's Food!
e had a banana and later half a granola bar, some almonds and water.
i had a couple of homemade chocolate chip "mini-scones", as we called them. upon me removing them from the oven yesterday, they looked a bit like a mix between a soft cookie and a muffin but he said they kinds were like scones, just smaller. uh, yummy!
e and i shared a garden veggie sandwhich with cilantro hummus, roasted red peppers, onions, lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. a bowl of black bean soup and an apple, lemonade and water.
a couple more mini scones for me, one for e and two for dad.
e and i split a mock chicken salad sandwhich on rosemary sourdough bread.
rigatoni pasta noodles with hubby's homemade tomato-mushroom sauce and vegan sausage.
i had two small cookies that we baked this afternoon.
the lil babe is still taking in mama's milk exclusively. i will let you all know when that changes but probably not for another month or so. we'll see!
e is a finicky toddler. sometimes she's so busy that we have to really help her eat and other times, i am surprised to see her finish a dish of food on her own. it's more like lots of small snacks or one meal that is eaten over the course of two mealtimes for us adults. she has always had a low body weight but been comfortable with eating food.
Today's Food!
e had a banana and later half a granola bar, some almonds and water.
i had a couple of homemade chocolate chip "mini-scones", as we called them. upon me removing them from the oven yesterday, they looked a bit like a mix between a soft cookie and a muffin but he said they kinds were like scones, just smaller. uh, yummy!
e and i shared a garden veggie sandwhich with cilantro hummus, roasted red peppers, onions, lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. a bowl of black bean soup and an apple, lemonade and water.
a couple more mini scones for me, one for e and two for dad.
e and i split a mock chicken salad sandwhich on rosemary sourdough bread.
rigatoni pasta noodles with hubby's homemade tomato-mushroom sauce and vegan sausage.
i had two small cookies that we baked this afternoon.
a visit with glammy
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Train Time
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Play with Trey & the Garden
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