This is my second week of attending a pre-natal yoga class. While in Bali, we lived around the corer from a yoga center. When I told the owner that i was pregnant, she said her husband (who teaches) would prefer me to wait until i was about 4 months along before starting a class. I have attended yoga classes off and on for about four years and did pre-natal yoga when preggo with ez. I was sort of surprised to hear this and mainly disappointed that i could not take a class. When we got back to the states, one of my priorities was to find a pre-natal yoga class to join throughout my pregnancy.
The Carrbororo Yoga Comapny offers an ongoing
pre-natal yoga drop-in class two days a week. It's been fun meeting fellow preggos and getting all stretched out. The instructor is a fellow doula and a childbirth educator. I have woken up a bit sore the next day after both times. One other thing that i love about going is just being able to visit carrboro. The town even has it's own rap song! It's such a great town that we have often talked about living there. After yoga, i can walk to the bead shop just downstairs for lots of inspiration and then grab vegan chili and a carrboro bar at weaver street market or head over for sesame tofu at jade palace where ez likes to watch the fish. Then, we walk down to the PTA thrift store to browse their books. On the loop back to our car, we stop by the Red Hen which carries all kinds of great baby stuff from consignment clothes and shoes to cloth diapers to baby carriers and toys.
I love the Red Hen! There are local artists works on the wall and burp cloths made by my friend on the shelves. Last time, we got a pair of boots for ez and wooden stacking blocks with shapes and numbers on the sides. They have a big selection of maternity and nursing clothes and books for parents! I have a special fondness in my heart for the Red Hen for a couple of reasons. One is that for a while, i worked on creating a store similar to it with a really fabulous local woman. Issue and issue came up that seemed to tell us we needed to wait. She went on to sell her online babywearing store and found a babywearing non-profit and I consider her the queen of babywearing. Secondly, right before we left for our time abroad, three other mama friends and i went to the red hen so i could buy an ergo for my trip. The store was closed but when i explained to them how much i needed an ergo and that we were leaving very soon, they let me come in and buy one!!! Then, later when I saw the owner around town, she remembered me and asked how the ergo was working out for us! Wouldn't it be great if all stores we owned by such caring individuals? She and I are not pregnant and due around the same time so our babes will get to grow up together in this area.
A loves to spend the hour or so i am in yoga at the bike shop. We still have not gotten bikes but we are on our way there, just looking around right now for the right ones. We're also trying to find a car seat and mounting rack for ez to ride along with us. Eventually, we will need a baby trailer for this next babe. Ez loved riding in her seat so much when we were in bali that we hate to not have one right now. It would be so fun to ride!
Now there's a classic pic!! Look at how preggo C is! And, oh my gosh...check out that expression on my eldest's face! That was such a fun spring day!!
and, look at how much ez has grown in just a few months! there were two pics and i just loved his face in this one.
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