Last night, I took over my husband's cold for him. We, sacrificial wives do things like that. Except that this cold may unfortunately ruin two out of town trips we had in store starting today. We were supposed to head up to Richmond to see my mom and sister but I struggled to sleep last night as I coughed myself awake for hours. I did not feel any better this morning. Tomorrow, we were supposed to go with my mom up to Ikea but it doesn't look like we'll make that happen, as of now. Friday is my best friend's birthday which is being celebrated at a concert in Suffolk, Virginia. Not sure that we can make it there, either. Nothing like missing out on your best friend's birthday party!
I have spent too much time online today browsing toys for ez and the baby-on-the-way, reading up on MDC and sending procrastinated e-mails. I was excited to find out a bead shop just opened down the street from me! Hopefully, I will feel better by tomorrow and we'll be off to Richmond!
Below are some pics taken at a friend's house in Nashville. I got to doula for the family's second child. Both of the parents and my hubby tried to hear the babe's heart rate and then handed the fetascope over to the real expert...

My toddler is really happy doing this! Do we see a future midwife?

She is trying to get it lined up just right.

Now, she leans her head into the fetascope to hear her sibling's heart beat. She loved getting to do what she has seen the midwives do.
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