Monday, July 26, 2010

stuff we are into these days

traipsing through the garden
picking those zucchinis for bread and tomatoes that don't stand a chance of actually making it into the house before being eaten

hiding behind fairy lacing boards

squash and zukes

this would be a goodnight kiss and snuggle for the elephant sprinkler.

this would be me carrying my daughter in my arms and her baby sipped up in my vest.

last and not the least.  to me, this is absolute proof of how much being a mama has stretched me in a great way.  and, as i have previously, mentioned, i may just need some anti-anxiety meds to handle crafty times.  so many of my mama friends love this kind of messy, crafty goodness but it makes my heart beat fast.  this so stresses me out from start to finish.  i know it's important for them and it helps me grow.  just need to have this pic as proof on those days when i am not going to pull the paint box out b/c of the overwhelming-ness of it.  once every week or two.  now, outside finger painting...that's another story.  pics of the outdoor painting fun to come.

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