Thursday, December 24, 2009


First, let me share with you a blog post that makes me want to be a more consistent blogger and just a truer human mama person.  It's from my long-distance rockin' mama friend.  She even rocks in labor and birth, trust me, I was (HONORED TO BE) there to witness.

One of the bear's favorite books is Sandra Boynton's "Blue Hat, Green Hat" which ends in the word "oops". She reads it to herself on a daily basis now. One of her other favorite things (and e's, too) is to have matchings with her sister. Whether it is clothes, crayons, shoes or food portions, they both really like to have the same.

So, being a mama that really enjoys the visual imagery of Hanna Andersson dresses, I ordered them matching red snowflake dresses.  Now, I did not go to the official website to order them but rather spent time on ebay bidding frugally on matching reds.  The bear's came first and one for e came later.  If you know about Hanna, they are European sizing which my brain doesn't always compute.  So, the dress for e that came was a tad too big.  We laughed for a long time as she tried it on, already knowing it would fit Maggie better than ez.

Huge ole dress.  And, yes, the bear does have her dress on backwards and with a pair of pants that I put in the give away pile a week earlier.  Doesn't get much better.  We are awesome.

Somehow, the dress did get turned around but e never did get one in the right size.  Oops.  She really didn't seem to mind, at least.  Merry Christmas!  

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