Saturday, February 10, 2007

camera fun

"i'm not really into this whole spinning purple and white stuff but it entertains them so i'll put up with it. maybe we can go to smoothie king after this."

one of the special guys in baby e's life. for many months now, we have enjoyed getting to know this sweets and his family. i have laughed a lot with his mom. he is so great at sharing toys and food with ez. his mom is fabulous and his dad works very hard. this lil cutie was born on december 31st which is her dad's birthday, too!

playing around with our friends at the germ fest play space. we really only go their to build up her immunity so we don't have to give her shots of aborted fetal tissue, uhm, i mean, vaccinations.

she crawled up into that chair at a bookstore to look at this book. much to my dismay, she had pulled it of the shelf and was carrying it around. what in the world??? another mom had to clue me in about who the shit those people even are!

view from the top. what's up with the blue tint, eh?

she has been called, "ezra the gentle"

lean, green walking baby bean.

the humble abode.

we spent some time outside fooling around with the new camera that my hubby splurged on as a birthday gift for me. it took me a full 24 hours to relent and even open the box b/c i was hoping he would not have spent so much money on me for an item that we already have. but i should know that a gift given is a gift; it cannot be rotunda sonda, as he used to sing back in the 80s.

1 comment:

ashleybrooks said...

baby ez is growing up too fast!! i want it all to stop so she can always be the little angel baby :)
