Friday, October 28, 2005

Welcome and Why


Since Andy won't get this party started, it looks like the control freak in me must begin.

Let's cut right to the point of why we think our life should be public.

1.We are pregnant with our first babe and want a way to share the babe with friends and family.
2. We like breaking stereotypes and challenging others to do the same thing.
3. We like to rant, moan, bitch and complain about various things.
4. Oh, we like to be gracious and thankful sometimes, too.
5. There are some funny links we would like to share.
6. Life is more worthwhile when lived in community, including online community.
7. We really like being married. A lot.
8. I have to one day write a book. It will be called, "How A Quality Social Work Education Has Ruined My Life." A blog is good practice.
9. Pictures are fun to share in a blog.
10. We are always recruiting participants for our future commune.

We welcome your thoughts and questions but do not promise to respond to them. We do promise that this Blog may suck for a while as we learn how to "blog".

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