The bear would say, "Now that I am almost two years old, I am totally down with putting my own shoes on. Why would I need help from anyone else? It's a simple slip the foot in and strap over. No biggie."
The mama would say, "Wow, little bear. I am watching you put your shoes on all by yourself. Okay, guess we are ready to head out to the market on our bicycles."
The bear would think, "I am awesome. Let's go."
While walking to the bikes, the mama would think, "When did I ever give her the idea that growing up would be a good idea? Wasn't I pregnant with her the last time I was here in Bali...and wasn't that like, oh, yesterday!? How is is possible that she will turn 2 here in a very short time? When did that happen? While I was sleeping or something? OMG. Slow this train ride down, folks, my kids are growing up too fast for me."
Then, on the ride to the market, the mama bear would have second thoughts, "This whole getting themselves dressed and shoed thing is kinda cool. Hee hee. As long as they still snuggle me all the time, I guess I will be okay with it. As if I have any choice! Little loves."
The cozy wood and the way the bed is snuggled in calls me home, somehow. From this BEAUTIFUL site called
Nomadic Way.