Clearly, we have been busy little bees. Often, hubby and I wonder when life will slooowwwwww dooowwwwwwwnnnnnn for us.
We joined a new homeschool co-op last month that meets once a week at a cabin on 7 acres for wide open play.

We go on some sort of field trip (from bowling to the chocolate exhibit at a local museum) once a week, as well. There are about 14 families which split the days of the week that they come to the cabin so it doesn't get too crowded.

It's been fabulous for us all. The girls are having fun and I find myself growing emotionally by being part of the group.

We've wanted to join this awesome group of people for almost two years now!

We drove up to Williamsburg, VA for my mom's birthday. We had a blast at the water park there. The bear was so brave; she wanted to climb up all the kid slides again and again. She really enjoyed sliding down and landing in the water. People kept asking how old she was. Both she and her sister enjoyed seeing Granny J so much!!! They love that lady in a way that I never imagined my children would. It's so healing and redemptive to see those three together; they definately have the love bubble around them. We went out for italian food and the accordian player sang songs to my mom as they gifted her with dessert. So much fun. Somehow, we still haven't mailed her gift, yet!
A midwife from The Farm in TN came to Peace Tree Village for a workshop. I spent 4 days learning midwifery skills on a very introductory and broad level. It was fabulously inspiring. The women I sat with became dear friends or dearer friends. I am stoked to have lots more learning and training as I pursue the practice of midwifery. Yes, folks, it is officially time for me to go for it! Our state needs more midwives and I want to be one of them. It will still be a long road before i am certified but I am glad to finally be very intentional about walking that road.
Hubby and I celebrated 11 years of marriage this month! We are so thankful to have made it through all the storms and trials to be met with joy and happiness over and over, again. Our love for each other is strong, clearly.
off to brush their teeth...more later
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