Sunday, October 26, 2008

sherpa dog

our sweet sherpa dog is very sick right now. it's such a long story but the quick of it is that he's at the vet getting IV fluids and insulin shots round the clock. he was diagnosed with diabetes on wed. morning early after losing about 19 lbs in 3 days. we are praying, seeking wisdom and every written word on rottweiler diabetes. join us.


Chandi said...

We are praying for Sherpa. Are things better?

Jamie said...

I am so sorry to hear that. But I understand well-- my wonderful cat Maxwell was diagnosed with diabetes last Friday. He is very sick as well. Sad sad sad.

Kirsten Oliphant said...

Oh no! I hope Sherpa dog is okay! I'll be praying and keep us posted!

gunter fam said...

thank you all so much! sherpa is home now! he is still really sick and weak but recovering. it's a lot of work with a diabetic dog. a bit overwhelming for us and sucks for him, too.