want to know why i think that there is a secret spy cam in my life or that i am really part of a show like the movie where the guy's whole life is a sitcom?
i watched a movie today, "the jane austen book club". it was a worthwhile flick. immediately after watching it, i clicked on soulemama's blog to see the "jane austen" dress she made for her daughter. then, as i attempted to nurse the bear to sleep (she didn't actually fall asleep), i read "the birth house" by ami mckay. it's a book that i have wanted to read for a while but just ordered recently.
And, yes, I am trying to overlook the fact that it's a novel b/c i really do not like novels. even the word, "novel" feels wrong in my mouth. i am a huge narrative non-fiction fan. but, with movies i can watch romantic comedies all night long.
Anyway, there is a reference to Jane Austen, to Catherine and Henry from "northanger abbey" and i just smiled as i read it. what's next? is jane austen really such a three times daily part of my life? and am i just noticing now? coincidence? the point of all of these references?
my friend, tobi was starting a jane austen book club recently. she asked me to join but i wasn't super interested. you know, being the novel-hater than i am. let me say for one minute, that i considered reading all 6 of her books...with a group!
Northanger Abbey is the next one that we read and discuss in 4 weeks----still open to you :)
Ooooooh, here is another coincidence, I just picked "The Birth House" off of my bookshelf to read this afternoon (my mom sent it to me a while ago and I have been busy reading a certain teen vampire romance series...I hang my head in shame), I think J.A. is sending messages to you.
m- freaky! what is she trying to tell me? ;)
t- i am so bad at commitments. ugh. i want to see you though so if it means i have to read NA to do it, i just may!
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