we stopped to meet glammy for dinner of indian food and blueberry sorbet.

yay, glammy!

the one arm hold

etsy shop stuff at the conference

virginia tech

a happy customer

won't it be funny if she ends up going to college here one day?

it did actually pump water.

yes, that says butter.

she asked me to take a picture of her doing this.

running through the bike racks.

in our dorm.

cute little seat.

she got this organic cotton dress for a deal at the conference.

rob gone wild.
The News and Observer wrote
a story about how fewer women are breastfeeding their babes in north carolina. You can see another picture of the above mentioned Rob in the article.

the best game ever, "apples to apples"

i led a session on beading. e made this necklace during it.

love the look on everyone's faces.

my suite mate, mimi and her youngest babe.

here revealed are many of the small contents of my bag.

Tiffany was my neighbor who delivered food to me right after e was born. We lost touch until i saw her in the bead shop. Her
shop is loaded with items like this pendant which depicts what i am begging for in my life right now.

remind me of the ocean in kuta, bali.

tiff has twin boys, the rarest of twin combos, if i recall correctly. she made this pendant with the chinese symbol for twins.
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