i am currently working on a mix to fill my ears while i am in labor...which could be any day now! bring it, baby.
I would like your recommendations.
here are some of my current picks:
sufjan stevens
the cure "just like heaven"
caitlin cary
third day over and over, again.
mason jennings
heaps and heaps of the innocence mission (thank you, baby brosie for the inspiration)
coldplay (just "yellow")
thad cockrell (which, yeah, that may be weird for me to labor to my single, guy friend but we can skip by it if necessary. i just had to have "warm and tender love"!)
clearly, i need some help now that i look back over this. it's so random. but, i think it will work. woo hoo! now, i just need some gentle and strong contractions to go along with the music.
I like your choices! Love the innocence mission--so nice and soothing. I don't think I could labor to Caitlyn Cary--I like her, but sort of think she can sound goat-ish, which would distract me. :) I keep checking your blog every day to see if there is news of new baby! You'll need to make sure I know when you're in labor so I can pray!
i hope to send a quick e-mail out to my peeps when i am in early labor. you is my peep.
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