Friday, January 4, 2008

Reading Some Books

Last year, one of my goals was to read 25 books over the course of the year. I read 35. This year, one of my goals is to once again, read 25 books. Would you like to know what I am reading or what I read last year? I keep a list.
This year, I have already completed:
1. The Year After Childbirth by Sheila Kitzinger
I have to read this book for my post-partum doula certification but it comes at a fabulous time in my life, you know beginning the 8th month of my pregnancy and all!
2. Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman
I actually just listened to this book on CD; I did not actually READ it. Mainly, I listened to it the day I drove the little red biodeisel vehicle to it's new home, my home.
3. Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv
I started this one last fall as we drove across the country camping out in the VW.
And, I am in the midst of reading these lovely books:
The Birth Book by Dr. and Martha Sears
Truth be told, I have been reading at least part of some Sears book almost every single day of my life over the past two years. I reference "The Baby Book" all. the. time. I was reading "The Pregnancy Book" daily before loaning it to a friend back in November. I read a chapter from "The Attachment Parenting Book" earlier this week having just gotten it back from a friend. And, I picked up a copy of "The Discipline Book" at the thrift store last fall. I want to read the birth one all the way through this month just to get my head and heart stoked for our upcoming homebirth. And, it's on that list for the post-partum doula certification, as well.
Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin
Only the best book ever written about giving birth. Best book, ever written. About giving birth. Yeah. It is.
The Bible by various authors
I am not reading it from cover to cover or anything like that right now. I have been reading and re-reading the accounts of the events surrounding the birth of Jesus mainly in the first four books of the new testament (aka the gospels). Yeah, blame it on the season, but I am truly fascinated with how things about Mary's pregnancy, her time of travel, no detailed account of the labor or actual birth, who and why people came to visit them post-partum, etc...are portrayed in this book and others.
On their way into my hands are two cookbooks I was given as Christmas gifts, Veganomicon and The Joy of Vegan Baking. Plus, a book about midwifery and a book on Paul's writings concerning women. Those will be on the "start soon" list. Perhaps, later I will give you the 2007 Read It List unless you are already bored by this lil' library visit.

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