learning to make vegan biscuits the same size as our faces. then, devouring them with apple butter while still piping hot. do you know how long it's been since my poor raised in the south husband had a biscuit? it's become a staple around here in just a few short weeks.

re-enacting LHOTP by cooking our dinner and heating our house with the woodstove.

we just boiled sweet potatoes for sweet potato cornbread. yummy.

here is every parents'dream come true! our always ready to help daughter has washed her first pot. let's all raise our glasses to cheer her on and wish her many years of helping us in this way!

"mama, you need help?" oh, yes, babylove, i totally need help washing these dishes. it's one of my last desires in the kitchen...to wash dishes. thank you, dear hubby and now dear child for taking that burden off of me. you two are the best!

vegan baking practically every single day. sometimes more than one baked good in a single day or even a single session. it's becoming a mild obsession to bake something new or tasty true on a very regular basis. we all needed to gain a few pounds in this house, anyway! these are cinnamon raisin (uhm, or maybe these were the cranberry version?) spoon drop biscuits with an orange glaze in that blue bowl.

on a whim, i stuck the pile of holiday greeting cards up on the wall in our guest bedroom but then more came and they haven't made their way up there, yet. which i kinda feel bad about. maybe tomorrow.

accidentally, my camera slipped out of my pocket at a friend's house. when i got it back the next week, my first thought was, "wonder what bliss took pics of on my camera." only this lovely one of two of my most inspiring friends. i am soooo jealous that they are neighbors! you can only imagine the level of crafty goodness that happens between the two of them.

reading books titled, "snow" (yes, there is more than one with that same simple title) and "the first snowfall" while snuggling up on my expanding belly. so good for all three of us.

then, she'll spend some time loving on her dog brother. she is already a fabulously caring sister. soon, she'll get to be the big sister instead of being the youngest. sherpa turned five one week before e turned two this fall.

some of my favorite people making some of my favorite sounds. what a treat to have you all in town!

lil hands hanging some of my fave bought ornaments

yep, that's rudolph from the classic christmas cartoon. it's been a long time fave of mine.

even ole fluffy got in on the tree decorating this year. he's one talented penguin, that ole fluff. he's the best penguin in the country, no?

here's a tip from a smart grammy. when you send three boxes of wrapped gifts to your daughter and her family, leave something partially unwrapped for the granddaughter to open immediately! it will save a lot of stress for said daughter and her family. score bonus points if it's a handmade blanket that said granddaughter likes to wrap her animals up in. genius.

so happy to be unwrapping the blanket to see what is inside!

she named her bear, yesterday. she told me, "bear snores on." while holding this bear and recalled the occupants of the house where we first read this dear book. thus, the bears' name is ambrose. precious to my heart.
1 comment:
Where do you get these recipes?? I need some vegan biscuits in my life!
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