yesterday, we spent most of the day in little india walking around looking for a hostel or more long term housing. we ate some incredible food at a vegetarian restaurant where ez peed on the bench much to the amusement of our neighbors. We also visited two homeopaths in search of a granny midwife who is lurking little india still attending homebirths. For some reason, i am convinced in both my head and my heart that she exists. I refuse to believe the hype that only OBs attend homebirths in singapore. Now, i know that some of you are glad that at least homebirths are attended my a birth professional of some sort to give women peace about having one. I can see that some women are comfortable with OBs attending them in labor and birth. Personally, I would only want a midwife to attend any homebirth i was having. And, i would never PLAN to go to any hospital to labor or give birth. If there was a medical emergency beyond the scope of midwifery, then of course, we would care for our family in every alternative way possible, which may necessitate a hospital visit. Most likely, we will have the great joy of gentle homebirths for all of our precious ones. The homeopaths both tried to convince me that the hospital is very "homey". But, pregnant people are not sick, i told them. They smiled.
in addition to the unfriendly attitude toward midwifery and homebirth, it's really difficult to find an affordable place to stay for the night or the month. at first, it was so confusing to read the newspaper ads for apartments; the $3.5K- $20K prices were per month and not for an entire year. Whoah! No way we can afford that. In additionally sad news, the doula group never responded to my contact and LLL doesn't meet for another 2 weeks. Things aren't looking so great for us beyond being tourists. We're planning to do a bit more sight seeing today and tomorrow but will probably be leaving Singapore asap.
The city has a great public transport system that we are thrilled to be able to use all day everyday. Ez really enjoys it, even. She did break the posted rules of "no eating or drinking, $500 fine" by nursing to sleep on the MRT (subway) the day before yesterday. Luckily, no one fined us. That would have been an interesting debate for me to have. muwahh, hahaa, hahhaa!
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