It's been a while since the last blog. So, let's spend some time catching up, my friends. We left Singapore after about a week of staying in a hostel there. It's a city-city, if I can make that term up. Full of concrete and wonderfully efficient public transportation. The bird park and science museum are world class. And, it's all got a hefty price tag attached. We could not afford to stay there much longer. Additionally, my stomach did not respond well and revolted on me a few times or just put me flat out to rest when the babe got a bit too active. By then, we really knew it was time to move on.
A quick re-cap: we flew to Seattle, WA, USA and bought a VW Vanagon. The van is a 1984 Westfalia with full on mini-kitchen and sleeping room for four or five people. It's in excellent condition complete with a new forward facign car seat for toddler ez. She likes the van and all the sites she can see from her vantage point. We spent time in Seattle with our fave west coast aunt and uncle and their pups. We got to hang with our dearest friend, unca jussy who just moved out to get his master's degree in some religious crap or something. We had the best talks ever although we are disappointed by some of the things he shared with us about life back in our fave nc. We're still trying to make sense of it all but hey, that's what we've been doing with jussy for a while now. We'll look forward to processing it all with our friends once we're back in town. We hope to be gracious and loving. We camped at Mt/ Ranier and enjoyed the beauty of this national forest. Next, we drove up to Bellingham, WA where we stayed with great old friends from nc (okay, one is really from canada but we got to know each other back in nc). Since we last saw each other, we've each grown our families and have lil girls only a few months apart who became fast friends. They shared shoes, bathed together and taught each other things. Ez likes drinking soy milk now and is brushing her teeth every night!!! That is so fabulous; i was so worried and struggling so much to make that happen for her! Her bellingham buddy has taken a renewed interest in using the potty. Ez fell in love with pushing babies in strollers. Hopefully, Glammy can find a nice wooden one for her upcoming birthday (it's in 8 days, folks)! I was tremendously encouraged in my pursuit of mothering and rekindled a precious friendship.
Next on, we drove across the country camping out and staying in hotels, wal-mart parking lots and rest stops. The van is great to sleep in, even at five months preggo with a toddler still latched on at night. That's saying a lot. I doubt that we're the first to do it though.
We finally got to Nashville, TN where once again, our gracious hosts blessed out butts off. I got to to doula for them after we had been friends for a couple of years and it's one of my best birth memories. Our toddlers have grown up a bit since we hung out last so watching them bounce of the bed naked together and share toys and books and dance together was hugely fun. The newest one who i saw being born is certainly a happy fellow full of smiles and laughter. He's super cute, too and looks way more like his mom than his older brother does. We had the best talks about family life and being mamas who put their kids first and who need work and stimulation and life-giving goodness outside of mothering. We brainstormed and were inspired together from other families who are making it happen. We shared our love for jesus and for soulemama. We also got to see a another friend (their brother) and a dear mutual friend who both sort of introduced us in the first place. Our friend just finished another smashing album that we got a copy of to take listen to the whole drive back to NC.
This blog is getting long so i will let you hang on to the edge of your seat as you wait for the much anticipated story of our actual return to the greatest state of north carolina.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
night at the beach in seminyak
Monday, October 8, 2007
waterbom pics
waterbom is a water park in southern bali. it was way expensive (probably as much as one would pay within the usa). we had so much fun that day. ez really likes the water since we've lived in bali. she gets braver and more into playing each time we are in the pool. it's made shower time a lot easier since she started to enjoy the pools around here. at waterbom, we spent at least an hour going around the lazy river on tubes; ez even fell asleep. a went down a ride "boomerang" which hurls you up a slide and then back down, again. he totally lost his raft and had to scramble to grab it before heading up the boomerang part; talk about adrenaline. i swam, swam, swam then lay on a beach chair soaking up the sun reading a really poorly written book about birth and the history of how people are born just working on my tan. we ate indonesian rice and noodles. then, we took a long walk home...a very long walk home. we were feeling pretty physically fit after a day of swimming and then a 2-3 miles walk home. it will be so much fun to hit up waterparks with ez as she grows up.
welcome to waterbom!
kid's playground
cool pool. there are little bench seats built into the middle island underwater.
cutest ever
brave jumper
learning to swim
under the fountain
happy waterparking family
three "spughy" fountains.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
United Airlines Sucks
you will be happy to know that we are safe and only a little sleepy with some serious jet lag. in addition to spending over half a day traveling, it was not the most pleasant experience. i have no idea what time zone my mind thinks it is in right now. e is handling it well and we are just resting when we are tired and pulling the shades tight to create artificial night. i just slept for a good four or five hours and woke to find a gone somewhere in town (without a note! doesn't he know better?) and e asleep next to me. i have a feeling (aka read his last e-mail exchange) i know what he is up to so i am not too worried; actually kinda happy about it all. getting excited about some plans that are in the works. and, proud of a for doing the leg work to get us where we need to be.
our flight was not the best mainly b/c United Airlines is the worst service provider in all of the world. They have the most crowded seats in their economy class and do not like families or children, it seems. More than one person starting with the booking agent and continuing on to almost every person we spoke to was rude to us or could not accommodate us or actually LIED to us! When traveling with a child under two who weighs about 20 pounds, we always ask for a baby bassinet so she can sleep and have here own space since she doesn't have an actual seat. This usually means our seats are the bulkhead seats as the bassinets hook to the wall. And, we even have had the pleasant experience of airline staff reserving an actual seat for her, too by blocking a seat. It's really been a pleasant experience flying with a toddler for the most part. I will spare you all of my complaints but want to not recommend UA to anyone with a toddler. They do not even provide seat belts for the child sitting on my lap! Yes, folks you must stow your luggage but don't worry about your child becoming displaced in the event of intense turbulence or anything worse. Pathetic.
i am full of fantastic secrets and really fun surprises! i will definitely share more with you soon.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
flying on
we are flying out tomorrow to an undisclosed location. we're trying to keep things on the down low for a little while before we eventually come back to nc. send us healthy thoughts as e had a fever last night and i threw up today. ugh. this flight is a bit longer than the last two so pray that we would all have patience. our taxi arrives around 4:30am singapore time. better get to bed now!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
back to the future in bali
science museum pics
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
where is the granny midwife?
yesterday, we spent most of the day in little india walking around looking for a hostel or more long term housing. we ate some incredible food at a vegetarian restaurant where ez peed on the bench much to the amusement of our neighbors. We also visited two homeopaths in search of a granny midwife who is lurking little india still attending homebirths. For some reason, i am convinced in both my head and my heart that she exists. I refuse to believe the hype that only OBs attend homebirths in singapore. Now, i know that some of you are glad that at least homebirths are attended my a birth professional of some sort to give women peace about having one. I can see that some women are comfortable with OBs attending them in labor and birth. Personally, I would only want a midwife to attend any homebirth i was having. And, i would never PLAN to go to any hospital to labor or give birth. If there was a medical emergency beyond the scope of midwifery, then of course, we would care for our family in every alternative way possible, which may necessitate a hospital visit. Most likely, we will have the great joy of gentle homebirths for all of our precious ones. The homeopaths both tried to convince me that the hospital is very "homey". But, pregnant people are not sick, i told them. They smiled.
in addition to the unfriendly attitude toward midwifery and homebirth, it's really difficult to find an affordable place to stay for the night or the month. at first, it was so confusing to read the newspaper ads for apartments; the $3.5K- $20K prices were per month and not for an entire year. Whoah! No way we can afford that. In additionally sad news, the doula group never responded to my contact and LLL doesn't meet for another 2 weeks. Things aren't looking so great for us beyond being tourists. We're planning to do a bit more sight seeing today and tomorrow but will probably be leaving Singapore asap.
The city has a great public transport system that we are thrilled to be able to use all day everyday. Ez really enjoys it, even. She did break the posted rules of "no eating or drinking, $500 fine" by nursing to sleep on the MRT (subway) the day before yesterday. Luckily, no one fined us. That would have been an interesting debate for me to have. muwahh, hahaa, hahhaa!
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