having lived in winston-salem, north cack, i am familiar with the birth story of krispy kreme doughnuts. our first year married, a and i lived within a short walk to a store and actually met with some people there every sunday for a sort of alternative sunday school we started out of our church. yeah, we had lots of krispy kreme love. my last visit to that same location will probably be my last visit ever, unfortunately as the ingredient list includes eggs and milk. it would be torture for me to meet you for coffee; i would be trying to lick the air probably and that would certainly distract you from whatever you were trying to share with me. so, i just dream about their food and eat it in my sleep. the night before last, i dreampt that i went to krispy kreme and ate a doughnut. i woke up remembering it. being in indonesia, no harm was done b/c certainly there are no stores here to actually tempt me. in a small town near our village, there is a dunkin donuts though! after our fun day at waterbom, we walked out to the road to take a picture of some sad sights. Along the street was an "A & W" as well as a "KFC". Somehow, we had missed seeing Starbucks that morning. Additionally, we had missed seeing Pizza Hut and KRISPY KREME! We about fell out in the middle of the road. What was it doing here in Bali? Especially, after i had dreams of their soft doughy delight just hours earlier! I think they were closed; we didn't climb the stairs to go inside. A has a family friend living here in kuta now, who grew up the next town over from Winston; I wonder if he has discovered KK, yet?
the other much cooler familiarity for us happened two days ago. while getting ready for the pool in our hotel room, we hear some loud music outside our window. sounds familiar. "a, do you hear that? omg, it's kings of leon!" we have spent so many hours of our life together listening to them. one record came out soon after e was born so her first month or two of life involved lots of living room dancing to kings of leon! a says we should post on their myspace page that they have crossed into a small beach town in asia.
we're flying to singapore later this afternoon. it's a pretty short flight compared to our original flight from the usa to austrlia that ended up taking 3 days with layovers and delays! we're really excited to explore singapore and to stay in little india. we're not sure how long we will be there. it depends on what opportunities i have to volunteer, mainly.
i will try to hook up with the local La Leche League. Also, there is a doula group that i e-mailed to volunteer for but haven't heard back, yet. I did exchange a few e-mails with some MDC singapore mamas and one other doula/hypnobabies instructor.
Pray that we have safe travel and that ez is content. we had so much fun yesterday; she stayed busy playing in the water the entire day. after a morning fuel at 5am, she didn't even nurse until later that evening when she woke up in a thai restaurant. sitting in my lap on a plane, i am certain she will make up for the lack of yesterday's nursing, no doubt! how thankful i am to be able to soothe her ears as we take off and land.
1 comment:
My favorite doula, ringtonedad, and babyloveface are certainly on my mind and in my thoughts today. I hope your travels are safe and speedy and you let me know when you arrive.
Love you.
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