yesterday was a really fun day for us. we took a really long bike ride to the ubud botanical gardens. on the way, we stopped off at one of our regular spots, bali buddha where we met a friend for raw cacao smoothies and cinnamon raisin bagels to give us energy for the steep climb up to the gardens. we browsed the used bookstore, too and i bought a copy of "little women" which i have never read but only watched (at least 15 times, i might add). oddly enough, i sw a book called "dnacing skeletons" which i had to read in my cultural anthropology class back in the day. i still have that copy at home so it was a bit silly to think of buying a book i already own back in the states. the book is about maternal and child health, specifically nutrition, in africa. so, i bought it and will share it with my roomie who recently spent 5 months in western africa then sell it back to the bookshop for a half price refund.
we love bike riding and the challenge of that hill was incredible. the ride down was so fun as we got to coast the entire way until we hit the main road in town. the gardens were ridiculously beautiful and interesting. we'll let the pictures speak for themselves. i am sure any of you that have been to said sort of beautiful place have a hard time capturing it on film or using words that give it justice. bear with me, nonetheless. the meditation garden was my fave part and the orchid house really captured my attention and was where i sat down to read for a bit. the islam garden was probably the most beautiful and what i would like to have near me.
Dancing Skeletons was written by MY anth prof, Kathy. It is on my bookshelf along with many others that were required reading in every class that I could take from her. So cool!
I love reading about your adventures in Bali. We will be there for sure from June 10 - July 24. You'll be there the same time right? Even if not, could you email me your phone number so I could contact you with some questions? I've tried contacting you via MDC but maybe you're not getting PM notifications :) erinkannon @ Thanks!
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