"this is the best thirtieth surprise birthday party i will ever have."

this is me at most parties...boring the pregnant women to tears with stories of how their bodies are capable and how important it is to advocate for yourself before labor and birth begin. you know, the usual party talk. woot.

nanc made photo masks of smit through the years. i claimed four year old chicken eating smit for myself. wings are for flying, not frying, smitty.

sweet ass smit sailing around australia. yes, folks, australia. later that night, he and andy walked down the streets of downtown raleigh. andy was carrying ezra and smitty was carrying the full-size photo.

merely moments after his arrival, smitty has changed his shirt, gotten mike to de-clothe, too and convinced wood to take pictures of them in all their hairy bare chestedness.

an impromptu meeting of the hair club for hotties broke out mid-party. they decided on a name change. please refer to them as the bottomless beard boys.

ezra is saying. "i love you, steph. take me to your leader."

notice my shirt. it's cute and dry clean only. baby e and her dad were standing behind me as i was seated talking to friends. a cold rush of water covered my back from above. yes, baby e had poured a bottle of water down my back. i jumped up and screamed. baby e's dad did not even know she had a water bottle in her hands. we ran into the bathroom together and he gave me his undershirt to wear. see if you can read the print on it. warning: content may not be suitable for some.

am i actually talking to chicken wing boysmitty?

mroy is a little undecided whether that's hilarious or really gross.

you got permission to take my picture, sucka? i don't know about that.

listen, i am about to break it down. give a brother a minute to get ready.

dancing with my fave gurl in all da world

go ahead rice girl, geh dowhn.

oh, it's okay, rice. andy's not part of the library paparazzi. see? ha ha.

backwards tom selleck smitty

licking pictures of the birthday boy, of course.

maybe if i close my eyes, these balloons will carry me home.
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