We went to Richmond for my 10 Year High School Reunion last weekend. Here's a picture of us in front of our swanky hotel that my mom put us up in for the weekend. she even babysat her first grandchild so we could bar hop all night. andy's mom came up with us and shared the babyloving responsibilities. it was a lot more enjoyable than i had worried. i really enjoyed catching up with some great old friends. i hope that some will remain my friends from now on, again!
i haven't blogged in over a year. i gave birth to baby gunter at home about one week after my last post. she was a little bit earlier than we expected, a little bit smaller and a million times more fun. i am ashamed to not have journaled about her life more often. hopefully, i can keep up with the blog. let's get started.
today, we took a walk down the road with our puppy, sherpa. i carried her in a hotsling but really need to find a two shoulder carrier as she is getting bigger. she laughed a lot during our walk while watching sherpa. we read books on and off all day. she ate veggie booty, bread, peas and oj today so far. and lots of mama's milk. she played outside a bunch and i read some when i wasn't playing with her. she's really walking more and more each day. it's incredible and has just taken off. right now, she's putting her train toys down my shirt and retrieving them. when we walked into her room, i asked if she would like to play with her trains, she said something like "choo choo". awesome. she has a bit of a runny nose but doesn't seem to be for real sick or anything.
tonight, we may go to hang with our churchy friends. today was andy's second day of work at his new and improved job as an independent consultant. i am really proud of him and hope that sounds as wife cheese as possible.
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