Friday, July 30, 2010


We had a huge celebration the day the ambulance arrived!  People, this is the ambulance that you all bought for Bumi Sehat.  It was bought with funds from the Rotary Club and generous donors.  If you gave $10, you have helped saved a life...or two.  Sometimes mamas and their babies need to be rushed to the hospital but usually it's just a really long labor where the mom is totally exhausted and wants to transfer.  Sometimes, a family walks up with a child in their arms who is having a seizure of some sort.  We've used the ambulance to help these people get to a hospital quickly and provide care on the way.
A little less posed here...and you can see Pagi's face, which was blocked by those beautiful flowers in the previous shot.  He's an amazing part of the Bumi, team!  I was at the birth of his second daughter the last time I was at the clinic.  It's so cool to see her grow up.  We're both parents of two daughters and both full of love for Bumi.  He is a much harder worker than me, though.  He has built stairs, poured concrete for a walkway, created and maintained an organic garden, driven people all over town, laughed a lot, and remained humble through it all.  When the ambulance was on it's way to us, he poured the concrete for the parking pad, used a blowtorch of some sort to make a metal roof complete with intricate swirly metal on the posts.  He's pretty much awesome and I am honored to work alongside him year after year.
Yes, it was tasty and healthy!

let's eat!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

When There is No Playdough

there is rice flour!

more rice flour
 ibu duah, which means mama two

she is such a great mama two to my girls.  she lets them get crazy messy.  love her.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

our favorite warung

the girls love sitting up in this booth area on the floor. they would tease that the pics look like certain friends of ours and laugh hysterically.

the owner of the warung is related to my BFF.  this pic was taken at the owner's family compound, which is where my BFF grew up as the youngest of somewhere between 9 and 11 kids.  I never really understood how many births there were and how many children were born alive or died young.

this mound of food is part of an amazing experience from the bear's birthday party.

As the Bear's birthday party was kicking off, bowls and plates of food arrived on the top of people's heads.  The people looked vaguely familiar but we certainly we surprised to seem them and all of the food.

The people and the food just kept coming.  No words.  They left the food on the counter, smiled at us and walked out.  Uhmm, what?  Who?  Our BFFs are related to the owners of the local warung where we love to eat.  It was explained to us that the owners sent this food over for the Bear.  Sure enough, there was a card attached that said, "Happy 2nd Birthday!"  We felt the love.  And, then we all tasted the yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Monday, July 26, 2010

stuff we are into these days

traipsing through the garden
picking those zucchinis for bread and tomatoes that don't stand a chance of actually making it into the house before being eaten

hiding behind fairy lacing boards

squash and zukes

this would be a goodnight kiss and snuggle for the elephant sprinkler.

this would be me carrying my daughter in my arms and her baby sipped up in my vest.

last and not the least.  to me, this is absolute proof of how much being a mama has stretched me in a great way.  and, as i have previously, mentioned, i may just need some anti-anxiety meds to handle crafty times.  so many of my mama friends love this kind of messy, crafty goodness but it makes my heart beat fast.  this so stresses me out from start to finish.  i know it's important for them and it helps me grow.  just need to have this pic as proof on those days when i am not going to pull the paint box out b/c of the overwhelming-ness of it.  once every week or two.  now, outside finger painting...that's another story.  pics of the outdoor painting fun to come.