for now, let me tell you about our day today. we went to the grocery store this morning after being awake all early morning and then back to sleep for an hour or two. ez woke up grumpy and yelling "eat. birds. milk. mama. dada." which continued for about an hour on and off between us each giving her any of those things. being an 18 month old babe can be very tough. but, it can be so awesome when we have days that improve like today has so far.
she dumped water all over her clothes on the car ride there but let me change her quickly in the back of the 'ru. at the grocery store, ez enjoyed naming the fruits and veggies as we shopped. she munched on a rice cake, half a strawberry and after much begging on her part, a whole banana. i bought it before she ate it. she got a bit bored in the cart, but she did enjoy pushing it around the store. in one aisle, i realized that she really wanted to be involved in the grocery shopping. so, i started handing her the items to put in the cart and she was overjoyed to toss them in. even when she needed help, she didn't get too discouraged. every toss was followed with many squeals of delight and some clapping.
we made it through the checkout line, a quick diaper change and no crying in the car ride home. a lara bar kept her company.
she helped me unload the car and put almost all of the few frozen items into the freezer. she waited patiently on the counter while her soup heated up. although she refused more than a mere lick at first, she did eventually sit in her highchair and feed herself a few bites. she ate more peas and a nibble of bread, as well. she devoured some smoothie before getting bored of the high chair. while i unloaded the dishwasher, (yes, andy will jump for joy about that!) she played peek a boo in the pantry with me. it's so nice to laugh with her and have fun instead of feeling overwhelmed by her neediness. she put away the silverware with me.
then, she tried to teach sherpa-dog to draw. she yelled, "sherpie, draw!" after plopping pen and pad down in front of him.
he eventually got bored, yawn and walked away.
then, she put away the diapers for me in her drawer after i folded them. she even helped me fold some, tried to put one on herself, let me put one on her and then threw all the remaining diapers to me so i could finish folding them. brilliant.
as she sat rubbing her eyes, i mentioned a nap and some milk. she had not nursed since 9:45amish and it was about 2:45pm. so, we headed to the bed where we read books, rolled around and laughed some more. then, finally a little nursing and a little napping. woo hoo!